Ballet Blast is a dance-based workout that blends ballet, fitness and Pilates inspired movements done at an energetic, calorie burning pace. Get ready to move! The Plié section will slim your booty, tone your thighs, and blast the calories! The Cardio Ballet will keep you moving while elongating those muscles. Get ready to sculpt and tone your upper body with the Ballet Sculpt section, and end your workout right with some core conditioning and a well deserved cool down. Incorporate this workout into your existing exercise plan for great results! Jennee' McCormick is the creator and instructor of Ballet Blast and The Ballet Barre Workout. She started dancing at the age of 9 and had a huge passion for the art of dance, cheerleading and sports growing up. Jennee' wanted to pursue a career in fitness and decided to combine her love of dance, Pilates and fitness to create a workout style to help women change their bodies in a dynamic, results driven way. She loves helping other woman see changes in their body and improve confidence all while having fun!