Erica Ziel

Erica Ziel

Erica Ziel is the creator of Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal and After Baby DVD’s and Digital Programs, author of the newly released book “The Knocked-Up Fitness Guide to Pregnancy”, has been featured in, and contributed to many publications including; The New York Times, Fit Pregnancy, Pregnancy Newborn Magazine, and Oxygen Magazine. As one of Southern California's most sought-after fitness-infused Pilates personal trainers, the mom of three has dedicated her career to helping her clients generate quicker, better results-- pregnant or not! Ziel is the founder of Core Athletica Inc., and creator of the Knocked-Up Fitness brand. She has over ten years experience as a STOTT Pilates trained professional and personal trainer, her Functional Pilates-Infused Method is proven to help even her busiest clients fit in an effective workout. With her vast experience in pre and post-natal fitness, Ziel developed the Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal and After Baby programs and Ziel is passionate about what exercise can do for your body during pregnancy, and research is confirming what she sees every day with her pregnant clients – exercise is great for your mind body and baby. Her exercises are designed to help women feel more confident, comfortable, strong and healthy during pregnancy and beyond, specifically targeting the deep core muscles – which can contribute to a more successful delivery and recovery. She has created many exercises that are very specific to targeting the deep core muscles while strengthening much of the entire body within the same exercise. Even just 10 minutes a day can provide amazing results for pregnant and postpartum moms, this is why her programs contain shorter workouts with very effective exercises. She hold’s a Bachelors degree in Kinesiology and Health from Iowa State University, where she spent her youth playing sports and helping out on the family farm. Ziel lives in Southern California, where she enjoys spending time with her husband and three kids. She continues to train her clients-- from pregnant, to those after baby and beyond!