Sleek Barre Technique: Warm Up | 5 Min | Flik Swan and Victoria Marr
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Sleek Barre Technique: Warm Up | 5 Min | Flik Swan and Victoria Marr
Sleek Barre Technique was created by Flik Swan and Victoria Marr, the founders of ballet fitness company, Sleek Technique. As two women with busy lives, they created the Barre Technique system to keep them in prime shape when they are short on time or can’t make it to the studio. These 3 x 20 minute choreographed programs are designed to give you a strong, sculpted and slender dancer’s physique with minimum fuss. Each muscle-refining routine can be performed at a barre or at a steady chair or kitchen counter and consists of pliés, port de bras arm positions, leg extensions and stretches, based on classical ballet technique. In Sleek Barre Technique: Warm Up, learn the importance of a proper warm-up. This routine is perfect to thoroughly heat your body and stretch your muscles to prepare you for the three invigorating routines.