Sleek Ballet Bootcamp: Program 1 | 19 Min | Flik Swan
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Sleek Ballet Bootcamp: Program 1 | 19 Min | Flik Swan
Sleek Technique: Sleek Ballet Bootcamp was exclusively designed by professional dancers and founders of Sleek Technique, Victoria Marr, and Flik Swan. These choreographed routines will whip you into shape and give you a lean, toned, Sleek body in no time. Program 1 consists of full body movements with sweeping plié pulses and strengthening and toning ballet drills with a special focus on the core. There are moments in all of our lives where we need to kick-start our systems and rev up our metabolism to shed those unwanted pounds and get your heart racing. All 3 routines will raise your heart rate making you sweat and giving you defined muscle definition by combining signature movements from classical ballet at a Bootcamp pace.