Nadia Narain: Daily Yoga - Breathing | 6 Min | Nadia Narain
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Nadia Narain: Daily Yoga - Breathing | 6 Min | Nadia Narain
The Daily Yoga series was created by Nadia Narain to allow the practice of yoga into your life with ease and grace. Every day is different and so are your energy levels. Before each practice take a moment to tune into yourself and feel what your body needs and what is your current state of mind. Then, if you feel you have lots of energy, practice a more dynamic session from the flowing series or if you feel tired and depleted, choose a sequence from the replenishing series to restore your vitality. There are a variety of sessions to suit your mood. This practice is about listening to your body and aligning with a practice that will allow the benefits of yoga to be fully absorbed! This 6 Minute Breathing Practice will calm your mind and body.