Fit at 40+ with James Crossley: Core Workout | 13 Min | James Crossley
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Fit at 40+ with James Crossley: Core Workout | 13 Min | James Crossley
You may know him as “Hunter, The Ultimate Gladiator” but James Crossley is also a fitness expert and columnist writing for magazines such as Men’s Health, The Telegraph, Cycling World, etc. All his life James has stayed in tip-top shape but as he passed the age of 40, he realized the way he was working out needed to change. James has tailored these workouts for the needs of over 40s with slower metabolisms and focusing on problem areas like the lower back, core, and posture due to desk-bound lifestyles. Fit at 40+ is the result of James’s 30 years of experience with tried and tested workouts for both men and women to keep you fit and healthy and pain-free after 40. As we age our bodies change and so our workouts need to be adjusted for age-related issues to ensure better results in a safe and efficient way. These workouts will spike your heart rate torching body fat while helping build lean muscles. The sessions are designed to fit into the busiest of lifestyles with variations on length for days when you are pushed for time. Practicing these routines regularly will help you stay healthy, lean and toned. In this Core Workout, using the core is very, very important to help prevent back pain. Also, as you get a bit older, the posture starts to go, especially if you've had quite a sedentary lifestyle. This Core Workout is slightly different with seven exercises - back to back - followed by a rest, then repeated.